Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Christmas Ornaments

Both of our activities in December involved making ornaments. I don't know if we were just out of ideas or too exhausted to do anything else.

The first activity, we made gumball machine ornaments.
Find it here:

The second activity, we made glitter balls.
Find it here:

Side note... little girls + loose glitter = GIANT MESS    BEWARE!!!
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Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Thankful Dinner

The parents of my Activity Day girls are so supportive and so often jump in to help when we need it. We wanted to have a special dinner for them with the girls serving them dinner. We had a nice table set up with menu cards and pretty center pieces and tried to make it look like a nice restaurant. The girls got to be the waitresses for the evening and they thought it was the best thing ever. They started by serving them water and giving them the menu. It had three courses:

Course 1) Salad with choice of toppings and dressings
Course 2) Choice between 2 entrees (we had lasagna and stuffed bell peppers) and choice of veggies
Course 3) Choice of dessert (brownie sundae or berry sundae)

I made the girls order forms so all they had to do was check the box next to whatever their mom or dad wanted and bring it back to the kitchen. We then put the orders together, one course at a time, and the girls served them to their parents. We had them checking back every once in a while to refill their water, take away plates, bring the next course, etc. The girls were also munching on food in the kitchen in between. I wish we had taken pictures but we were so busy getting everything done we just did not have time. But it was great. The girls loved it and the parents enjoyed being pampered for the evening.
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Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Birthday Traditions Around the World

I love to learn about other cultures. At BYU Hawaii I took an international relations class and got to talk to students from other countries and about how they interact with one another, coming of age traditions, birthdays, holidays, family traditions, etc. It was so much fun. I wanted the girls to learn about how other cultures around the world celebrate both birthdays and coming of age rituals. There is all sorts of things to find online. If you have anyone in your group from another country, it would be fun to have them do a little presentation. We had no such luck on that. We have one girl from Peru but I completely spaced and forgot to ask her. Instead we had fun facts, pictures, and whatever else I could find online.
To make the evening even more special, since we were discussing birthdays, I made jumbo cupcakes and brought frosting, lots of different sprinkles, glitter gel frosting, and candy pieces and let the girls decorate their own birthday cupcakes.
On a side note...It was the first night for one of my girls and she wanted nothing to do with Activity Days. She was out in the hallway throwing a fit with her mother. I took a couple of the girls into the hallway with me and we were telling her how much fun Activity Days was and we get to do things like make art projects, go on field trips, learn about new things. This only semi dulled the fit. I then mentioned that we were going to learn about birthdays and then decorate our own cupcakes. This got her attention. We were quickly able to get her into the classroom and by the end of the night she was bubbly and giddy along with the rest of the girls. I'm telling you, Activity Days is the place to be!!!

Chowing down on the over the top hot pink cupcakes was the highlight of the evening.

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Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Painting Mini Pumpkins for the Senior Widows

We have a large population of senior widows in our ward. On top of being a primary teacher and Activity Days leader, I am also the Single Adult leader for my ward. Consequently, I am always trying to watch out for these older sisters who need extra love.
Since Halloween was approaching, we thought it would be nice to do a little crafty service project. I got a bunch of mini pumpkins, some puffy paint, glue on gems, fall colored ribbon and let the girls decorate however they liked. Each girl got to decorate one pumpkin and later on that week I delivered them to some of the senior single sisters. They always love getting stuff from my girls.
Sorry some of these are a bit fuzzy. I was rushed and using my phone for these.

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Wednesday, October 1, 2014

T-Shirt Scarves and Headbands

I guess you could call this a lesson on how to take something old and worn and make it into something new and fun. It started out as just using old t-shirts to make scarves but it really didn't take very long and there was so much t-shirt left over that we quickly got online and found instructions on making headbands out of some of the rest of the t-shirt. We got a 2 in 1 project. I always love those.

Instructions for the scarf:

Instructions for the headband:
(except we knotted ours instead of gluing it)

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Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Music that Invites the Spirit

We have an amazing music leader in our primary. She does lots of games and activities to encourage the kids to sing and learn new songs. She has no problem being silly with them or encouraging their imagination. She is awesome!!! We decided we wanted to do an activity about appropriate music and finding music that invites the spirit not only on Sunday but even during the week when we have the radio on or we are listening to a cd in the car. Along with this we decided to have the girls help make props for our primary music leader. And as fate would have it, my partner could not be there that night so our music leader stepped in to be the other supervising adult at activity days that night.
I bought several 8x10 pieces of felt in various colors, found some fish outlines online and cut out various fish (flounder, angel fish, star fish, seahorse, etc.). I did them big enough so I was getting about 2 fish per piece of felt. Armed with puffy paint, gems and tacky glue, my girls went to town decorating the fish. I also numbered each fish with puffy paint so our music leader could associate each fish with a song. We ended up with some pretty eclectic yet fun fish. I took them home and let them dry for a couple days (puffy paint is annoying like that) and then I glued a washer to each of their mouths. I made a fishing pole with a magnet on the end (make sure your washers and magnet work well together before gluing). Now every time they get used in primary, the girls get giddy and like to point out the ones that they made.
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Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Pray Pillows

Sometimes it can be difficult to get little girls to do the daily testimony builders on their own. We decided to do a few activities over the course of several months that would encourage the girls to memorize their articles of faith, read their scriptures daily, keep a personal journal, and say their daily personal prayers.
This particular activity we focused on personal prayer. We talked about the importance of daily personal prayer and how even though we may be saying prayers together with our families, it is important to also have personal communication with Heavenly Father. We discussed some of the things they have concerns about that they can ask Heavenly Father about as well as the personal blessings they have received that they should thank Him for. We talked about spending the extra quiet time on your knees listening to his response or feeling the spirit touch our hearts.
As a reminder to say their personal prayers, we made prayer pillows. They were super fast and easy so long as the prep work was done ahead of time.

1) you need about 1/3 yard of cotton quilting fabric for each pillow. So long as there isn't too bold of a print or too many different colors, whatever you think your girls will like will be fine. Sew up 3 sides and leave one side open to stuff later (and big enough to get a piece of brown paper bag in and out of to use to keep the fabric paint from seeping all the way through to the other side of the pillow).

2) you will need brush on fabric paint in colors that will look good with the fabric you got but will stand out when painted on. Obviously, you will also need paint brushes, paper plates to squirt paint onto, cups of water to rinse brushes, and paper towels for the inevitable mess.

3) wax paper to use as an iron on stencil. If you pre trace the letters P R A Y and cut them out with an exacto knife you will save yourself a lot of headache the night of your activity (don't forget to save the dots from inside your letters to also iron on).

4) You can either pre-iron all the stencils onto the pre-sewn pillows or you can do it at your activity (before saves time and energy). Iron the wax paper stencils wax side down onto the fabric (don't forget your cut out dots for any letters that may require it like "P" of "A"). Make sure the steam on your iron is turned off else you could cause other problems you really don't want to deal with.

5) When the girls go to paint, make sure they understand not to use tons of paint or else they will make the stencil start to fall apart and also that there is a piece of cardboard or brown paper bag inside the pillow to prevent the paint from running through. So long as it isn't too thick it should dry fairly quickly (this would probably be a good time to have your lesson on personal prayer).

6) Have the girls stuff it to however soft or firm they would like it or however much batting you have for each girl then one of the leaders can just sew up the end on a sewing machine (easiest if pinned first).
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Friday, July 25, 2014

Preparing for your Adventure

I had a hard time in the beginning. I didn't know what was required of me and I often felt as if I were in the midst of chaos those first couple months. It didn't help that the binder I got from the previous leader only had a couple handouts from previous activities and a more than year old outdated phone list in it (yikes!!!). There was also little to no planning ahead of time and activities were often planned very close to the day they were to happen. I CAN NOT WORK LIKE THAT!!! I am an organization nut. I need to plan ahead and I need to know that things are taken care of. I also found that there wasn't a whole lot out there in the way of helping me organize my binder for what I needed. So…I made what I needed myself. And now I am going to share it with you.

First you will need a few links to some of the things I use quite a bit for my papers, handouts, invites, etc.
1) you will need the font I use on most of my binder papers:
2) the website above has lots of other really cute fonts that I use as well. Browse and find stuff you like and use it. It makes for really awesome handouts.
3) Clip art: there are 2 places I go the most for this. Some stuff is free and some you have to pay for but I found that even the stuff I pay for is well worth the investment.
4) I use a lot of digital scrapbook paper. You can find links to quite a few free ones on  just search for free digital scrapbook paper.

And now for what is in my binder:
1) Your job as an Activity Days Leader (from the church handbook)
2) Phone list template
3) Activity planning sheet template
4) Faith in God Award check off list (so you can keep track of where each girl is at)
5) Attendance sheet
6) Calendar (you will have to make up your own)
7) Binder cover and spine (you can edit the ward info) print on 11x17 paper
8) If you ever go on a field trip, you will need to have one of these for each girl

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Thursday, July 24, 2014

What is the Activity Days Program?

If you are new to the program, it helps to have someone break it down for you. In the Activity Days Program, girls ages 8-11 are working toward earning their Faith in God award. In order to get their award they must complete 8 goals in each of 3 areas (this breaks down to 2 goals in each area per year):
1) Learning and Living the Gospel
2) Serving Others
3) Developing Talents
Most of the activities should be geared toward passing off one of these goals.
When the girls turn 11 years old, they should begin working on their goals for Preparing for Young Women. These goals are done on their own with the guidance of leaders and parents.
They are also required to memorize the 13 Articles of Faith and write out their testimony. Daily scripture study is encouraged as well.

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Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Modern Pioneers

Last summer we did the traditional Pioneer Day stuff and it was fun…but this year we wanted to go a different route. We decided to talk about modern pioneers and why they are important. While trying to figure out what to do for that, I remembered going to the Exploratorium in San Francisco as a kid. If any place could teach a kid about modern pioneers it is there. If you have never been, it is so much fun yet very educational.
Link to their site:

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Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Father Daughter Olympics

4 fun filled events and everyone gets a gold medal in the end.
1) pool noodle toss
2) ring toss
3) beach ball / kid size golf club put put relay
4) giant marshmallow in a little spoon relay
Begin with a barbecue, work up a sweat playing games, proclaim everyone a winner, end with root beer floats for all.

Thank you to my amazing sister who took all these pictures (Alisa Duenas Photography)

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Wednesday, May 21, 2014

5 Years From Now...

We wanted to emphasize the importance of setting goals. While they have goals they need to set in order to get their Faith in God Award, for the most part if they come to the activities they will pass most of them off. We felt that we needed to prepare them for bigger future challenges as well as all the goals they will have to work on their own once they get to the Young Women's program. We actually had the Laurel class come and help us with this activity. We talked about setting big long term goals and then setting smaller goals to work toward reaching the big one. We talked about the kind of person they want to become and how to set goals to become that person. Afterwards we did kind of a time capsule activity. I had the girls fill out a questionnaire about who they are right now. Link to the questionnaire is here:
I then had them write down 3 goals they want to have achieved in the next 5 years. I then had them write letters to their future selves. I took all of these and put them in envelopes for each of the girls to be opened 5 years from now.
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Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Mother Daughter Tea-less Tea Party

Amazing girls all come from amazing moms and my girls and their moms are beyond amazing, they are spectacular. To celebrate Mother's Day this year, we decided to throw a little tea-less tea party on my back porch. I made mini muffins and scones, chocolate dipped strawberries, cupcakes and punch. We asked sisters in our ward to donate teacups and mini tea sets to use as decoration (reassuring them they would not be used for drinking by small hands). I also found some really awesome cupcake wraps that look like tea cups so we could at least have tea cups at each place setting. When we were announcing this activity, a few of the girls asked what we were drinking since there was no tea. That gave me an idea for a little game. We played name that beverage. I had a few different sodas and juices that I poured into little cups and they had to guess what it was. For our lesson, we talked about the importance of spending quality time together and gave them some ideas of what they could do to spend time as mother and daughter.
Link for tea cup cupcake wraps is here:

Thank you to my amazing sister who took all these pictures (Alisa Duenas Photography)

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Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Kitchen Safety / Chicken Pot Pie

An educational yet tasty activity. I had the girls sign up to bring different ingredients (really the mom's on our Facebook page) like chicken, stock, carrots, frozen peas and corn, potatoes, butter, cheese, etc. If you do this activity, you may want to get the chicken in the oven first thing as this is what held us up at the end, waiting for it to finish cooking. We talked about rules of safety in the kitchen like no goofing off, being aware of your surroundings, knife safety, hot pots and pans safety, etc. We then had the girls break off into different assignments depending on their age and maturity level (older girls used the knives, younger grated cheese or peeled potatoes). We had some cutting up veggies, some peeling, some grating, some making crust, some making gravy. We then dumped it all in a big bowl to mix it together. I bought 8x8 square pans for each of the girls and we divided up the filling for each of them. we then sprinkled cheese on and then rolled out the dough for the crust on top. the girls tucked in edges and poked holes to let out the steam. The pot pies got wrapped in foil and baking instructions attached. Each girl got to take a pot pie home to bake the next night for their families.

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Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Clay Pot Critters

It is always fun to get your craft on. Anytime we bring out the paint, girls get crazy excited. This time we made clay pot critters. Instructions can be found here:
We just did ladybugs and butterflies to keep the variety of supplies to a minimum. In the end we had a wide spectrum of very different looking critters and a lot of very happy girls.

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Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Sister Missionary Spotlight

We have some amazing Sister Missionaries in our ward and we asked them to come help out with this activity. We had them talk about what they did to prepare for their missions and the girls got to ask them questions. We got them missionary name tags and gave them ideas of how they can be missionaries now. A simple, yet fun activity.
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Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Scripture Study / Scripture Journals

In preparation for our awards night, I asked each of the girls if they had read the Book of Mormon on their own. I was shocked to discover that not only had none of them done it but also that very few of them were having daily personal scripture study. We also only had one girl who had memorized the Articles of Faith. Needless to say, I was a bit concerned and became determined to do something about this. First, I made Articles of Faith memorization cards. I printed them front to back on card stock, trimmed them, laminated them and put them on rings for each of the girls. I have attached the cards here:
All of the pictures from these cards came from:

Next…a lesson on daily scripture study and keeping a scripture journal. I found a few different links to give the girls a few different options to help them with their daily scripture study.

We talked about the importance of daily scripture study and practiced using scripture journals together. At the end of the activity, I challenged the girls to read daily. I also gave them a goal to have the Book of Mormon finished before our next awards night next January.

Finally, I handed out the Articles of Faith memorization cards. I found a little heart shaped punch and told the girls that every time they pass one off, I would heart punch their cover card for the corresponding number. I think that pushed the girls over the edge of excited fun because I spent the next 20 minutes (while parents were waiting) passing off and punching cards.
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Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Snow White Awards Night

For our awards night we decided to go with a Snow White theme. We thought that this theme would give us 2 different aspects we could focus on: inner beauty and the importance of hard work. We had 2 amazing sisters give talks on these two subjects and then the bishop came and brought them together. We handed out awards for completing a years worth of goals, for memorizing all the Articles of Faith, and also if they completed reading the Book of Mormon on their own.

Decorations: we had a lot of paper apples and plastic gems as well as flower streamers and shiny/glittery pieces.

Food: All the food had Snow White themed names: The Queen's Poisoned Punch, Sweet as Snow White Sugar Cookies, Water from the Magic Well, Prince Charming's Roll Up Sandwiches, Dwarf's sized Pulled Pork Sandwiches, Rainbow Fruit Kabobs from the Forest Animals

Games: We had 4 different "game" stations
1) Bowling for Dwarfs
2) Magic Wishing Well
3) Dwarf Mine (bucket with sand in it and some gems to dig up)
4) Magic Mirror (the Shrek DVD has a magic mirror on it that we set up on a tv in a corner)

Give Away: We had a small hand mirror (awesome find at the dollar store) for each of the girls with the poem I wrote attached.
We had this poem on the invitations we handed out, on the program and on the mirrors:
Mirror mirror in my hand
Who is the fairest in the land?
My dearest one do you not know?
Hard work and righteous study have made her so…
The fairest of fair is not one alone,
But all with a heart holding a
Testimony that glows.

Thank you to my amazing sister who took all these pictures (Alisa Duenas Photography)
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Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Love Chain

Sometimes you can take a simple craft idea, think everyone's will come out fairly similar, and be totally shocked by how different each one comes out. For this activity we made valentine love chains. The pattern was pretty basic. I could not find just white, pink and red pom poms so we went with pony beads instead. I made a variety of felt hearts in various shades of pink and red and we had a few shades of ribbon. I wish I had gotten pictures of all the finished products but I was a little busy managing girls so you will have to just see the pattern pic.
Link is here:
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Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Game Night

Here is something easy for when all your Activity Days Leaders are going to be out of town yet there is still an activity scheduled (as was the case for us this time). Have the girls each bring their favorite board game from home and spend the evening playing them. The girls have fun while the adults you ask to sub for you aren't stressed out trying to interpret your complicated plans.

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